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6 route(s) found!

Loughborough to Loughborough London - 18382

Sport: Cycling
by Grant Tebb: March 11, 2016
Location: Loughborough / USA

Distance: 128.73 miles - 207.17 km

No description/comment from Grant Tebb

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Loughborough to Loughborough London - 18000

Sport: Cycling
by Grant: November 20, 2015
Location: Loughborough / United Kingdom

Distance: 138.41 miles - 222.75 km

No description/comment from Grant

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Loughborough 3 miler - 12518

Sport: Cycling
by Phil Williams
Location: Loughborough / U.K.

Distance: 23.35 miles - 37.58 km

No description/comment from Phil Williams

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Loughborough 6km - 12498

Sport: Running
by Phil Williams
Location: Loughborough / United Kingdom

Distance: 3.74 miles - 6.02 km

No description/comment from Phil Williams

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Cockles Map1 - 8563

Sport: Cycling
by Cockles
Location: Loughborough / UK

Distance: 17.23 miles - 27.73 km

No description/comment from Cockles

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La longue route - 8027

Sport: Cycling
by Damien
Location: Loughborough / Uk

Distance: 54.34 miles - 87.45 km

No description/comment from Damien

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Type of sport selected: "allsport"

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