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17 route(s) found!

Casual ride - 30075

Sport: Cycling
by Eric: March 27, 2024
Location: Home / USA

Distance: 8.04 miles - 12.94 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Test 1 - 27444

Sport: Running
by Eric: January 12, 2022
Location: Virginia / USA

Distance: 23.12 miles - 37.21 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Potomac - Travilah - 26291

Sport: Cycling
by Eric: March 27, 2021
Location: Xxx / USA

Distance: 44.07 miles - 70.92 km

No description/comment from Eric

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We got lost - 24600

Sport: MTB
by Eric: June 4, 2020
Location: Port Gamble Herritage Park / USA

Distance: 13.31 miles - 21.42 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Zorinsky Big Half - 24215

Sport: Running
by Eric: May 8, 2020
Location: Zorinsky Soccer / USA

Distance: 4.43 miles - 7.13 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Zorinsky 5K - 24214

Sport: Running
by Eric: May 8, 2020
Location: Zorinsky / USA

Distance: 3.12 miles - 5.02 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Florissant vessey troinex croix de Anne year carouse loop - 24178

Sport: Cycling
by Eric : May 6, 2020
Location: Gradelle / Switzerland

Distance: 16.89 miles - 27.18 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Clarkston 10 mi around CHS - 23476

Sport: MTB
by Eric: March 17, 2020
Location: 875 Reese Rd / USA

Distance: 10.28 miles - 16.54 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Get the steps - 19664

Sport: Walking
by Eric: January 11, 2017
Location: 7th st metro / US

Distance: 6.14 miles - 9.88 km

Description/comment by Eric :
Trying to win the work week hustle

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Silver Reef route - 14385

Sport: Cycling
by Eric
Location: Bellingham, wa / USA

Distance: 14.47 miles - 23.29 km

No description/comment from Eric

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St. Joseph's - 14384

Sport: Cycling
by Eric
Location: Bellingham, wa / USA

Distance: 10.28 miles - 16.54 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Loupe lachapelle laval - 13922

Sport: Running
by Eric
Location: Montreal / USA

Distance: 4.52 miles - 7.27 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Eric loop 7.2km - 13921

Sport: Running
by Eric
Location: Mtl 11892 / Canada

Distance: 4.46 miles - 7.18 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Eric1 - 13828

Sport: Running
by Eric
Location: Montmagny / Canada

Distance: 4.33 miles - 6.97 km

No description/comment from Eric

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3-3-14 - 13554

Sport: Cycling
by Eric
Location: Centerville High School / USA

Distance: 26.42 miles - 42.52 km

No description/comment from Eric

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House to Barcalona and Back - 4294

Sport: Cycling
by Eric
Location: Carlsbad, CA / USA

Distance: 5.72 miles - 9.21 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Pergatory 35 from erics - 1917

Sport: Cycling
by Eric
Location: Hopedale / USA

Distance: 35.06 miles - 56.42 km

No description/comment from Eric

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Type of sport selected: "allsport" with the pseudo : "Eric"

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17 route(s) found!

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